How to encode an existing audio track to aac
Feb 7, 2011
1 minute read

How to encode an existing audio track to aac

mkfifo temp.wav
screen -d -m mplayer "$1" -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=temp.wav
./neroAacEnc -ignorelength -q 0.30 -if temp.wav -of "$1.aac"
rm temp.wav

I use screen but you can also use & or two terminals.

Sometimes mplayer is too worried about seeks and don’t work so you can use ffmpeg instead :

mkfifo temp.wav
screen -d -m ffmpeg -i "$1" -y -acodec pcm_s16le -f wav -ar 48000 temp.wav 
./neroAacEnc -ignorelength -q 0.30 -if temp.wav -of "$1.aac"
rm temp.wav 

Beware the -y is very important to allow ffmpeg to overwrite the fifo file.

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